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Add. MS c/101/92
Letter from Edward Young to Nora Sidgwick
- 31 Aug 1900 (Vervaardig)
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Writes to express his sympathy with her on the death of Henry Sidgwick. Recalls a previous visit paid by the Sidgwicks to him [and his wife], which he describes as 'a sweet and precious memory now.' Declares that on that occasion Henry 'was so tender, so entirely his old lofty yet simple and child-like self.' Declares that it is difficult for him to realise 'the loss of a friendship extending, with never so much as a cloud, over 40 years....' States that he has been reading over old letters from Henry to him. Expresses how much he loved him, and claims that although their paths in life 'parted widely...the old Trinity affection was deep and strong....'