Deel 30/1-2 - Letter from Henry Sidgwick to A.J. Patterson


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Add. MS c/98/30/1-2


Letter from Henry Sidgwick to A.J. Patterson


  • 10 Mar 1893 (Vervaardig)



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1 letter, with envelope.


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Refers to Patterson's letter, which he has considered and talked over with Bryce. Believes that he should try 'to enter into regular relations with one or more newspapers'. Asserts that 'this does not seem...incompatible with the writing of more occasional letters to refute misrepresentations in other papers.' Discusses suggestions made by Bryce in the course of their conversation. The latter would be willing to act as an intermediary between Patterson and the person who generally supervises the foreign correspondence of the Times. Bryce also has influence in the case of the Speaker - 'weekly Gladstonian organ' - and the Manchester Guardian. Sidgwick believes that of those three, the Times is the best. Suggests to Patterson that it would be better not to mention to any English journal that he was paid by the Hungarian government, but that he should hint that he had access to the best information. Reports that Mrs Sidgwick has had an accident; 'fall causing slight concussion of brain'. Hopes that Patterson's wife and children are all well.

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