Parte 47/1-2 - Letter from Henry Sidgwick to A.J. Patterson

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Add. MS c/98/47/1-2


Letter from Henry Sidgwick to A.J. Patterson


  • 20 Jun 1895 (Produção)

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1 letter with envelope.

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Reports that he got Patterson's article typewritten and sent it off to the editor of the Academy, but has as yet not had any reply. Explains that the interest in England in Hungarian and Roumanian [sic] matters is very limited. Suggests that the article 'would have been better if it had had more the air of giving a summary of the controversy, and less the appearance of being two reviews rolled into one.' Reports that they [in England] are taking more interest than usual in Austrian affairs, 'owing to the general upsetting of arrangements that seems to be going on', and that their interest is being stimulated by the 'object-lessons' that they think they are receiving in the working of Federalism. Declares that 'the political barometer is pointing to Federalism as the next form in which the Irish question is likely to come before [them].' Observes that at the present the Liberals and the Home-Rulers seem to be losing ground. Hopes Patterson is better than when he wrote, and sends greetings to his wife and daughters. With envelope.

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