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- 9 Feb. 1889 (Produção)
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1 doc
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Âmbito e conteúdo
Writes in relation to the predicament of the Vicar of St Luke's in Chesterton [George Hale], who is in the process of trying to persuade the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to give a Population Grant to his district parish. Its members, comprising mainly of College servants and small tradesmen, have increased, resulting in the need for financial assistance. States that the case is briefly stated in the enclosed paper [not included], and more fully in a pamphlet that he himself has read. Believes that the Commisioners could relax the rule that prevents them from giving a grant, and that, in doing so, no dangerous precedent would be set; rather a 'substantial justice' would be done. Asks him to tell Minnie that he has news of Psychical Research to impart to her when they meet, and that Nora has been having her portrait painted by an artist named Shannon, 'who is believed to be "on the rise" '.
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Pontos de acesso - Assuntos
Pontos de acesso - Locais
Pontos de acesso - Nomes
- Benson, Edward White (1829-1896), Archbishop of Canterbury (Assunto)
- Hale, George (c 1841-1917) clergyman (Assunto)
- Benson, Mary (1841-1918), née Sidgwick, wife of Edward White Benson (Assunto)
- Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred (1845-1936), college head (Assunto)
- Shannon, Sir James Jebusa (1862-1923) artist (Assunto)