Pièce 269 - Letter from Henry Sidgwick to F. W. H. Myers

Zone d'identification


Add. MS c/100/269


Letter from Henry Sidgwick to F. W. H. Myers


  • [22 Dec 1875] (Production)

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1 doc

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Histoire archivistique

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Portée et contenu

Confesses to being uncertain about Myers' 'kind offer'. Reports that J. W. Hales is going to give a course on Shakespeare, which will be 'more literary than [Walter?] Skeat's'; thinks it better to defer Myers' [course] until the May Term, 'in order not to produce an embarras de richesse. Suggests that Myers give one or two lectures on Milton's Paradise Regained. Announces that he shall be in London on 4 [January]. Asks him not to mention 'the evening of the [Tenant's] Dinner at Terling [house of Lord Rayleigh; perhaps a reference to Sidgwick's engagement to Eleanor Balfour?]'.

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