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- 27 Jan. 1883 (Vervaardig)
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States that he cannot agree with Gurney's view. Believes that 'if Bishop were to turn round and say he had tricked [them], he would have to say also how the trick was done, in order to discredit [them].' In the event of it not being a trick, Sidgwick believes, Bishop 'cannot invent a plausible fiction of a trick, if [they] take due precautions'. Approves of Barrett writing about their results 'and offering a cautious challenge to Bishop'. In this way the Society for Psychical Research would be making clear to to the public that they 'are not at present supporting Bishop, but only prepared to investigate him.' Fears that Myers' letter (which Sidgwick signed), and Labouchère's reply may have caused the Society to be associated with Bishop in the public mind. In relation to the proposal to let a room to the Theosophic Society, claims to have no strong view. States that they [Henry and Nora] 'are much pleased at the Darwinian matrimonial engagement' [that of Francis Darwin and Sidgwick's cousin Ellen Wordsworth Crofts?]
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- Myers, Frederic William Henry (1843-1901), psychical researcher and essayist (Onderwerp)
- Gurney, Edmund (1847–1888) psychical researcher and psychologist (Onderwerp)
- Bishop, Washington Irving (1855-1889) stage mentalist (Onderwerp)
- Barrett, Sir William Fletcher (1844-1925) Knight, physicist and parapsychologist (Onderwerp)
- Society for Psychical Research (Onderwerp)
- Labouchère, Henry Du Pré (1831-1912) politician, writer, publisher and theatre owner (Onderwerp)
- Theosophical Society (Onderwerp)
- Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred (1845-1936), college head (Onderwerp)
- Darwin, Sir Francis (1848-1925), knight, botanist (Onderwerp)
- Darwin, Ellen Wordsworth (1856-1903), fellow of Newnham College and lecturer in English literature (Onderwerp)