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- 9 Jul 1886 (Production)
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1 doc
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Typewritten. Explains that this letter 'is a kind of postscript' to Nora's. Discusses whether or not Gladstone should go to work at an educational establishment for women at Holloway. Has always thought it desirable that Holloway 'should succeed and become a really effective part of the organisation of academic education for women', and refers to it as a place where experiment is desirable. Adds, however, that he does not think that it is interest of the movement for the promotion of women's education that Holloway 'should take the first place and put down Newnham and Girton and the Oxford Colleges into subordinate positions.' Believes that in the future it will be a successful institution for the purposes of examination preparation, but that at Oxford and Cambridge they aim to give to the élite of the students 'the interest in knowledge for its own sake and the independent grasp of the methods by which it is being advanced in different departments'. Believes that this 'can only be given in an institution where an active prosecution of original research and thought is being kept up', and does not think that this can be attained at Holloway. Discusses whether Gladstone's going to Holloway would be a gain to that institution 'sufficient to counterbalance the loss that it would undoubtedly be to Newnham', and finds it difficult to say. From a personal point of view wishes her to stay at Newnham, but urges her not to be influence by any sense of obligation.
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ADD.MS.c/105/22 - Copy of letter, 27 Jul 1886, from Henry Sidgwick to Helen Gladstone, also on the subject of her possible move to be first principal of Royal Holloway College.
ADD.MS.c/105/23 - Letter, 7 Apr 1903, from Helen Gladstone to Nora Sidgwick, enclosing 105/21 and 105/22