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Add. MS c/100/24
Letter from Henry Sidgwick to Mary "Minnie" Benson
- 5 Jan [1872] (Produção)
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1 doc
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Âmbito e conteúdo
States that since he first got her letter he has been thinking over the question of 'C.B.'. Suggests that she split the question into two; firstly asks whether there is any prospect offered of C's finding occupation as a land agent after he has gone through the course, and if it is likely that there is a better opening for him in this line thatn in that for which he has already been trained, and secondly asks what abilities are required for even moderate success in the line. Is very glad to hear about William, and mentions that he is thinking of giving him a teapot as a wedding present, unless he hears that he has got teapots from elsewhere.