Item 102 - Letter from Henry Sidgwick to his mother

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Código de referência

Add. MS c/99/102


Letter from Henry Sidgwick to his mother


  • [4 Jun] 1869 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


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1 doc

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Thanks her for her letter. Announces that he has just resigned from his assistant tutorship and has informed the authorities that he intends to resign his fellowship very soon. Remarks that it is not impossible that they may appoint him lecturer in spite of his actions, but he does not expect them to do so. Advises her that the matter is a secret. Reports that the Master 'expressed himself very kindly about [Henry] in communicating [his] resignation to the College.' Remarks that everyone is very kind, and believes that if he is not reappointed 'it will not be from want of goodwill, but from a conviction that the interests of the College do not allow it.'. Claims to be happy, and believes that he has done the right thing.

Asks her to tell Arthur that he thinks they had on the whole, successful meetings at the Free Christian Union. States that Paul's sermon was very good, and is misrepresented in the Pall Mall Gazette. Reports that he has been staying with Mrs Clough, whom he likes 'very much' and that 'the new book' [The Poems and Prose Remains of Arthur Hugh Clough] is due out in about two weeks. Announces that he will come down to his mother about the end of the month or the following month. States that if she has Miss [Alice?] Horton staying with her, or if there is any other particular reason, he does not mind coming, however his hay fever is.

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      Nota de publicação

      Part transcription in Sidgwick, Arthur, and Sidgwick, E. M, 'Henry Sidgwick'. London: Macmillan, 1906, p 197.

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