Item 41 - Letter from Henry Sidgwick to O. Lodge

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Add. MS c/105/41


Letter from Henry Sidgwick to O. Lodge


  • 5 Aug 1894 (Produção)

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Thanks Lodge for a packet and two letters: will answer these in the order in which they arrived. He and Nora were both much impressed by Lodge's having found conviction in the matter of Eusapia [Palladino]; they did not hesitate to alter their plans and accept Richet's invitation to the 'Isle Roubaud'. Concedes that they 'shall have to accept as a "working hypothesis" the reality of "telekinetic" phenomena', and admits that although he doesn't like the incidents of the investigation, he likes 'the excitement which the new departure will give to the business of Psychical Research.' In relation to a complaint made by Lodge in one of his letters regarding a 'confession which removed all doubts as to "Mr Z.", attempts to explain why there was a delay in informing Lodge of the circumstances, referring to to Frederick Myers and Richet. Refers also to 'Mrs Myers [sic] letter, and explains that it never occurred to him that he would wish to have his name brought forward in relation to the matter. Offers to introduce a reference to him and his instruments 'in the next Journal' [of the Society for Psychical Research]. States that Page H[opps] has written a letter which will give Sidgwick an opportunity of returning to the subject. He and Nora have read Lodge's account of the seances in the Île Roubaud left with them by Myers; feels that had he been there he would have been 'absolutely convinced'. They propose to leave London for the island on Thursday 16 August.

MS note by Nora explains that the letter did not reach her until after the biography of Henry was printed, and that Lodge sent her other letters, but this one seemed to her the only one of any biographical importance.

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