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Letter from [?] Munck to Joseph Grote
MAYR/C/2/41 · Pièce · 17 Apr 1772
Fait partie de Mayor Papers

Worries about the [commercially] dangerous advantages given to Neuland by Smith Co and Spitta, list of porcelain table service

HOUG/221/3-24 · Pièce · 1834-1840 and undated
Fait partie de Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

23: Salutation 'Tramontane' and signed 'Litherwit', characters from his Olympian Revels. Note perhaps written on scrap paper: geometrical diagram, equations, and doodled face also present.
24: Addressed to 'Sig[nor]' and Sig[nor]a Milnes, Via Tritone [Rome]', salutation 'Dear Trochee and Spondee' and signed 'Yours Anti-Hexameter'.

FRAZ/33/407 · Pièce · 15 June 1937
Fait partie de Papers of Sir James Frazer

Trinity Lodge, Cambridge - Her husband has asked her to report on the College Council discussions of the Wyse Fund: the Statutes do not allow a double Fellowship being allocated, and no funds allowed for Beneficent purposes may be voted to a Fellow; she does hope 'that a successful plan will quietly be carried out by the user of The Wyse fund'.

Letter from T. C. Hodson to Lady Frazer
FRAZ/33/90 · Pièce · 29 Dec. 1932
Fait partie de Papers of Sir James Frazer

10, Wood Lane, Highgate, London, N.6. - On Christmas Day received a number of letters from Cambridge field workers, detailing disintegration of ancient social order in Nepal, hope of contact with the Lawa in Siam, and the importance of the divine king in Africa; has received the Frazer lectures volume and admires it: he says that caustic commentators declared the anthropologists did not understand Rivet's French but thought it beautiful, and the French students understood his French and thought his anthropology wonderful, whereas he enjoyed both.

FRAZ/32/118-120 · Pièce · May-June 1936
Fait partie de Papers of Sir James Frazer

54 Cours Napoléon, Ajaccio, Corse - In the letter of 18 May, he is worried about her silence after she announced her trip to Switzerland; is putting out a new survey for the Encyclopédia Française for Varagnac; their questionnaires have attracted the notice of ethologists and folklorists; he is not making as much progress in his map work as he could like; Varagnac asked for news and told him of the admiration of all his friends for 'Fear [of the Dead]' III. In the letter of 31 May, he says he will quote from the preface to 'Fear' III, to encourage his volunteers to embrace errors and not doubt their abilities, as his humility should be an example; his plans to go to the country are delayed; Martine [Giamarchi, his great niece] is very happy to have the picture magazine. In the letter of 9 June, he thanks her for her card pointing out that it has been 57 years since the composition of 'Plato’s Ideal' in 1879, and used the preface to 'Crainte' in speaking to his Normaliennes who are working on the ethnological and folklore surveys; he has written to Geuthner; there are two translations of Condorcet, Chouville and Mme de Pange.

FRAZ/32/110-114 · Pièce · Jan.-Feb. 1936
Fait partie de Papers of Sir James Frazer

54 Cours Napoléon, Ajaccio, Corse - He is pleased things are going well for her; is working with maps of Corsica, and some have Dutch text he cannot read (Jan. 19); he thanks her for various things she has sent in the post: the 'Times', with its coverage of Edward VIII (Jan. 28), an issue of 'Punch', with an image [?] of Canon [Alexander] Nairne at Windsor (3 Feb.) and pictures for Martine [Giamarchi]. He has sent a parcel of responses to the questionnaire to Varagnac; is happy they had a good evening with Wickham Steed (16 Feb.).