Stuk 127 - Letter from J. R. Seeley to J. Peile.


referentie code

Add. MS c/101/127


Letter from J. R. Seeley to J. Peile.


  • 8 Apr 1879 (Vervaardig)



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Refers to Peile's letter, which he received the previous night, and expresses his surprise and delight at the offer contained therein. Accepts the offer, which, he says, will enable him 'to fulfil the duties of [his] professorship better and relieve [him] from the necessity of frittering away much of [his] time.' Expresses the desire to know the name of the person responsible for making the offer, and to let him know 'how seasonable his offer has come.' Explains the financial difficulties he has had, and how he has made what money he could by lecturing and writing. Claims that he has had 'no rest for three or four years, and that he has been obliged to accept new work at the Royal Institution for May and June, and had decided to take pupils in the Long Vacation.

Waardering, vernietiging en slectie



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