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- 14 July 1903 (Vervaardig)
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Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Thanks Elizabeth for her letters; it is a great pleasure to Caroline and Sir George to help her and Robert settle themselves 'really comfortably'; hopes the V[aughan] Williams proposal [to lease them land at Leith Hill on which to build a house] comes to pass. Is very sorry that Elizabeth has been 'worried & upset'; quite understands that Robert is 'trying' when he is upset, as 'All Trevelyans are inclined to be so sometimes, & "get on the nerves" of their women-kind'. Does not like to think of her being alone, and hopes her Dutch friend came yesterday and that she will go to stay with Aunt Annie [Philips] for a night. Aunt Margaret [Holland] has been 'laid up' for more than a fortnight 'with clots'; she has one in her hand and so cannot write; thinks she will tell her Elizabeth could come over and see her. Also suggests that Elizabeth could come to Wallington for a while, and Robert come to join her; they could then go home together and return on 1 September with George and Janet. Does not want Robert before 20 July, but Elizabeth could come earlier. Asks if she is getting any music; must find someone to accompany her at Wallington. Has been 'too cool for a cotton dress' here, though she hears dreadful things from a lady in London who 'nearly died' from the heat when she had to spend two days at the cricket with young people. Booa [Mary Prestwich] is very busy, as Grace has taken a holiday.
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- Trevelyan, Caroline (c. 1847-1928), wife of Sir George Otto Trevelyan, 2nd Baronet (Onderwerp)
- Trevelyan, Elizabeth (1875-1957), musician (Onderwerp)
- Williams, Sir Roland Lomax Bowdler Vaughan (1838-1916) judge (Onderwerp)
- Williams, Laura Susanna Vaughan (1840-1922) wife of Sir Roland Vaughan Williams (Onderwerp)
- Philips, Anna Maria (1857-1946), philanthropist, daughter of Robert Needham Philips (Onderwerp)
- Holland, Margaret Jean (1835-1906), née Trevelyan, wife of Henry Thurstan Holland, 1st Viscount Knutsford (Onderwerp)
- Trevelyan, George Macaulay (1876-1962), historian, public educator, and conservationist (Onderwerp)
- Trevelyan, Janet Penrose (1879-1956), author (Onderwerp)
- Prestwich, Mary Barrow (c 1843-1924) housekeeper to Sir George and Lady Trevelyan, known as Booa (Onderwerp)