Pièce 181 - Letter from Caroline Trevelyan to Elizabeth Trevelyan

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Letter from Caroline Trevelyan to Elizabeth Trevelyan


  • 20 Sept [1900] (Production)

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Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - The dissolution [of Parliament] has changed their plans: she no longer needs to be in London on the 9th as 'the Committee has been altered', while Sir George must stay to vote for [Charles] Fenwick but the date of the election is not yet known. Will come down a little later and pay a visit, but cannot yet be sure when. Hopes Elizabeth is having a 'pleasant day' with the Knutsfords; would like to know how they find Lady Knutsford. Also asks whether she likes McKenzie [?] and thinks him likely to help; hopes she is feeling 'pretty well'. She and Sir George were glad to be alone again: likes having 'young people here' but there was a lot of coming and going which 'required a good deal of arranging'. She and Sir George went to Hallington yesterday, having not managed to go when Elizabeth and Robert were there; it is a long drive through 'rather dreary country'; the house is pleasant and there were a 'nice couple' there as caretakers; made a 'little hurried sketch' so if they get to Taormina next spring they can tell Mrs C[acciola: Florence Trevelyan] all about it. Charles went to Elland as soon as he heard about the dissolution; no-one is standing against him but there will definitely be a Tory. Asks Elizabeth to tell her 'if the lady turns out to be a musician' and whether she has 'settled many lessons'.

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