Stuk 159 - Letter from Caroline Trevelyan to Elizabeth Trevelyan


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Letter from Caroline Trevelyan to Elizabeth Trevelyan


  • 10 Nov 1912 (Vervaardig)



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Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - Glad that Elizabeth is having a good time [in the Netherlands]; will send this letter to Amsterdam, and the nurse will write tomorrow to the Witte Huis. News of Julian; he is very interested in a 'motor extra of "Country Life"' which Sir George has given him, and wants to know the names of all the cars. About a hundred and seventy or eighty pheasants were killed at the shoot yesterday, and nineteen hares; Sir George was too tired and says he will not go out again. Caroline and Mary drove, taking Geordie; Mary is well again, and Caroline thinks there is now no cause for anxiety [about her pregnancy]. Interested to hear about Elizabeth's sister [Mien Röntgen] and her life; it must be 'a very good atmosphere for the boys'. Glad Elizabeth will be back on 25-26 [Nov] but she should not worry about staying a few days longer if she likes as Julian is quite well. Hopes her friends [the Bottomleys] at the Shiffolds are well. Has had a letter from Robert on his arrival at Bombay, in which he sounds cheerful and glad to have finished the voyage. Julian has 'a box of large dominoes with which he builds pens for his sheep'; he is 'so nice with his fingers'. A postscript on a separate sheet describes Julian going around with his train upstairs 'talking at the top of his voice' to everyone he meets; she likes to hear him around the house.

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