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- 28 Dec 1900 (Produção)
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1 item
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Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Glad to get Elizabeth and Robert's letters and to 'hear a better account' of Elizabeth's aunt. Hopes their visit will do her good. Trusts the Grandmonts will manage the long journey, and that he will be better for southern sun. The Arthur Sidgwicks are paying a visit; he is Henry Sidgwick's younger brother, a 'great friend' of Sir George's, and 'very clever and amusing'; she is 'very excellent & enthusiastic & badly dressed'; they have brought 'a nice young son & daughter with them'. George's friend [Frederick John?] Pollock is also staying, and [John Henry] Whitley, the new MP for Halifax, is coming on Monday. Will give the servants a dance after the guests leave next week, and spend a week in London before starting their travels. Thinks they will reach Naples at the end of January then decide which way to take to Sicily. Thanks Robert for his letter and 'the names of books &c'; New Year's wishes; expects the Hague is 'much excited about the Queen's marriage'.
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Pencil annotation dating the letter to 1900.
Identificador(es) alternativo(s)
Pontos de acesso
Pontos de acesso - Assuntos
Pontos de acesso - Locais
Pontos de acesso - Nomes
- Trevelyan, Caroline (c. 1847-1928), wife of Sir George Otto Trevelyan, 2nd Baronet (Assunto)
- Trevelyan, Elizabeth (1875-1957), musician (Assunto)
- Hoeven, Maria Pruys van der (1824-1901) wife of Paul François Hubrecht (Assunto)
- Grandmont, Alphonse Marie Antoine Joseph (1837-1909) diplomat and translator (Assunto)
- Hubrecht, Abrahamina Arnolda Louise Grandmont (1855-1913) painter, wife of Alphonse Grandmont (Assunto)
- Sidgwick, Arthur (1840–1920), educationist and classical scholar (Assunto)
- Sidgwick, Charlotte Sophia (1853–1924), wife of Arthur Sidgwick (Assunto)
- Sidgwick, Henry (1838-1900), philosopher (Assunto)
- Trevelyan, Sir George Otto (1838–1928), 2nd Baronet, politician and author (Assunto)
- Trevelyan, George Macaulay (1876-1962), historian, public educator, and conservationist (Assunto)
- Pollock, Sir Frederick John Pollock (1878-1963) 4th Baronet, historian, journalist and translator (Assunto)
- Whitley, John Henry (1866-1935) politician (Assunto)
- Wilhelmina (1880-1962) Queen of the Netherlands (Assunto)
- Henry (1876-1934) Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Prince Consort of Wilhemina, Queen of the Netherlands (Assunto)