Item 70 - Letter from Caroline Trevelyan to Elizabeth Trevelyan

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Letter from Caroline Trevelyan to Elizabeth Trevelyan


  • 21 Apr 1921 (Produção)

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Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - Glad that Elizabeth has got to Broadstairs and is in a hotel, which is much more restful; the weather is also improving, after being very bad. G[eorge] and J[anet] came from Leamington in a snow storm on the 15th; they are enjoying themselves and resting here, though Janet has been to London for the day; she seems to have many 'irons in the fire' and never gets tired. Sir George got a bad cold at the end of last week, perhaps because they are 'of course economising fuel'; the doctor came and he is nearly recovered. Wonders whether Elizabeth 'would think him much older'; she does sometimes and then he is 'quite himself again'. Supposes Julian will got back to school early in May; Hopes Elizabeth will come and visit before they go north; they will stay here through May. Asks if Bob shows 'any sign of coming home'. Keeps thinking of 'that sad time at Broadstairs' [the death of Paul Trevelyan?] and is very glad Elizabeth has Julian with her; sends him 5 shillings to spend, as 'seaside shops are always rather fascinating to children'.

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