Stuk 88 - Letter from Caroline Trevelyan to Elizabeth Trevelyan


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Letter from Caroline Trevelyan to Elizabeth Trevelyan


  • 16 Jan 1904 (Vervaardig)



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Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - Glad that, although Elizabeth is not settled yet [in Italy], she has found warmth and sunshine; in England there is sun but it is very cold. Had to go to London on Monday; Arthur Sidgwick came to stay with Sir George, and after she returned they have been alone. George comes for a while today. Sir George is enjoying walking into Stratford; she thinks it is good for him to see people; is 'beginning to read for his new volume' [of "The American Revolution"] but has promised he will not start writing till they return from their time abroad. Sympathises with Elizabeth and Robert's wish to be free of 'hotel companions' as much as they can. C[harles] and M[ary] are enjoying themselves in Cornwall; it is wet and stormy, but they seem to be walking in the rain 'with impunity'; they are stopping at Welcombe for a night on their way back to London. Booa [Mary Prestwich] was over-tired when they arrived here, but is better now. George's wedding will not be 'such a business' as he is not in their house; thinks the day will be the 19th or 21 of March. Sends love to Robert. Is glad Elizabeth saw her cousin Marie. She and Sir George are anxious about the coming elections. Hopes all well with the [new] house, and that a beginning on the work will be made before Elizabeth and Robert return.

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