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- 23 July 1904 (Vervaardig)
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Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Will be glad to welcome Elizabeth and Robert on 13 August; they will see Aunt Annie [Philips], who comes on the 9th. Glad they will be there for the 'festivities'; there will be the Exhibition, the servants' party, and a garden party for the neighbours to introduce Mary, who must 'make dignified little bows, and not jump onto the arms of chairs!'; she is 'great fun', and Elizabeth will like her when she knows her. Interested to hear of Miss [Laetitia] Ede, who is sure to get on since she has 'real energy'. Sir George knows nothing about Gregorian chants; he liked the 'florid music at the Oratory' and is sorry it has stopped. Asks if she should find someone to accompany Elizabeth on her visit; Mr [Charles?] Orde of Nunnykirk gave Caroline a name, which she encloses; it will be a problem what to do with her in the evening 'if she is not a lady' so she may ask her to come for the day to see what she is like. Cannot put Elizabeth up at Gr[osvenor] Cr[escent] on the 4th, as Maria [Springett] is taking her holiday and has put everything away; hopes it will not be inconvenient to go to a club or a hotel; believes the Great Northern Hotel is comfortable and would be convenient [this section of the letter crossed out] but Elizabeth is travelling by Euston. Hopes the weather is drier by Monday, when a group of hospital nurses are coming. Asks whether Mrs Salmonson [sic: Jeanne Salomonson Asser] will return to Holland when Elizabeth leaves Rottingdean.
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Onderwerp trefwoord
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Naam ontsluitingsterm
- Trevelyan, Caroline (c. 1847-1928), wife of Sir George Otto Trevelyan, 2nd Baronet (Onderwerp)
- Trevelyan, Elizabeth (1875-1957), musician (Onderwerp)
- Philips, Anna Maria (1857-1946), philanthropist, daughter of Robert Needham Philips (Onderwerp)
- Hutchison, Laetitia Norah (1877-1964) doctor, wife of Sir Robert Hutchison, 1st Baronet (Onderwerp)
- Orde, Sir Charles William (1884-1982) diplomat (Onderwerp)
- Springett, Maria (fl 1900s-1910s) housemaid to Caroline, Lady Trevelyan (Onderwerp)
- Asser, Adriana Ripperdina Salomonson (1873-1961) singer and translator, known as Jeanne (Onderwerp)