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- 7 Jan 1905 (Produção)
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Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - Likes to think of Elizabeth in Ravello. Has been very busy since coming to Welcombe on 3 January; has been arranging a room for her own use in the mornings, which is 'quite comfortable' though has 'no view' and, currently, a 'hideous paper'. The Arthur Sidgwicks and their daughter [Ethel] came on Monday, Sidney Lee joined them. On Wednesday the library opened; has sent Elizabeth a Stratford paper with a report. The ceremony was 'nicely arranged' and went well; likes the building, which is in keeping with the surroundings. [Andrew] Carnegie gave the building and fittings, which are 'in good taste', then maintenance of the building will come from rates, and there is a subscription fund for buying books. Hopes it will 'do good': there is 'room for "sweetness & light" in Stratford'. Miss Corelli did not appear but 'must be very angry'; is sure she will 'do something malicious'. Mary Booth says in a letter that Charles will probably bring Meg to Elizabeth; gave a 'cheerful' account of the family. Is going to London on Monday, and will spend the evening with Janet. Pleased to hear Mrs Enticknap has had a little girl [named May]; has sent her a coat and hood. Has never read [Stendhal's] "Le Rouge et le Noir", but knows "La Chartreuse [de Parme]". Has Madame [Juliette] Adam's memoirs, and has been 'delighting in Burne-Jones life [by his wife]'. Hope Robert's work is going well; asks whether they are continuing their translation; whether the road is mended yet, and whether the Capucini Hotel at Amalfi goes on 'as before'. They are taking a trip to Rome next winter. Sir George is well; he took a week's break from his book, 'travelling & doing his speech', and now happily at work on it again. C[harles] and M[ary] are at Cambo; they celebrated their wedding anniversary by catching the train to Woodburn and walking back by Sweethope Lake, and enjoyed this 'immense expedition' very much.
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Pontos de acesso - Assuntos
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Pontos de acesso - Nomes
- Trevelyan, Caroline (c. 1847-1928), wife of Sir George Otto Trevelyan, 2nd Baronet (Assunto)
- Trevelyan, Elizabeth (1875-1957), musician (Assunto)
- Sidgwick, Arthur (1840–1920), educationist and classical scholar (Assunto)
- Sidgwick, Charlotte Sophia (1853–1924), wife of Arthur Sidgwick (Assunto)
- Sidgwick, Ethel (1877-1970) novelist (Assunto)
- Lee, Sir Sidney (1859-1926), knight, literary scholar (Assunto)
- Carnegie, Andrew (1835-1919) industrialist and philanthropist. (Assunto)
- Booth, Mary Catherine (1847-1939), née Macaulay, social reformer and philanthropist (Assunto)
- Booth, Charles James (1840-1916) ship owner and social investigator (Assunto)
- Ritchie, Margaret Paulina (1879-1970) daughter of Charles Booth, known as Meg (Assunto)
- Trevelyan, Janet Penrose (1879-1956), author (Assunto)
- Enticknap, Annie Maria (1870-c 1950) housekeeper to R. C. Trevelyan (Assunto)
- Beyle, Marie-Henri (1783-1842) writer, pseudonym Stendhal (Assunto)
- Jones, Sir Edward Coley Burne- (1833-1898) 1st Baronet, painter (Assunto)
- Jones, Georgiana Burne- (1840-1920) wife and biographer of Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones, 1st baronet (Assunto)
- Adam, Juliette (1836-1936) writer and feminist (Assunto)
- Trevelyan, Sir George Otto (1838–1928), 2nd Baronet, politician and author (Assunto)
- Johnson, Lillian May (1904-1997) daughter of Annie and Alfred Enticknap, known as May (Assunto)
- Mackay, Mary (1855-1924), novelist, pseudonym Marie Corelli (Assunto)