Pièce 116 - Letter from Caroline Trevelyan to Elizabeth Trevelyan

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Letter from Caroline Trevelyan to Elizabeth Trevelyan


  • 25 Jan 1905 (Production)

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Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - Very glad to hear that Elizabeth is better; does not think she 'made a fuss' at all about her chilblains; tells her to always let her know when she is low so they can try to cheer her. Hopes the Italian winter is over now. They were 'deeply interested and moved by the Revolution in Russia'; longs to help them; 'wonderful' how the writers have 'made one care for the Russian people themselves', as well as feeling the 'abstract love of seeing Tyranny overthrown'. Hopes the Booths [Meg and Charles] have reached Ravello by now, and that the other lodgers are pleasant; Sir George 'thinks Omond is a literary name' [perhaps Thomas Stewart Omond?]. Thinks she will sell the big piano in London, buy a small one for Welcombe, and hire a small one for London. Asks if the Grandmonts are well; supposes Elizabeth will not go to see them [in Sicily] this year. Wants to see the translation when Elizabeth returns. Hopes Robert is writing well, and that his play ["The Birth of Parsival"] will appear soon. Sir George is a 'little rheumatic' but otherwise well; they have 'very good accounts' of Janet [due to give birth soon].

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