Pièce 126 - Letter from Caroline Trevelyan to Elizabeth Trevelyan

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Letter from Caroline Trevelyan to Elizabeth Trevelyan


  • 1 July 1905 (Production)

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Étendue matérielle et support

1 item

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Histoire archivistique

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Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Hopes that the move to the new house has gone well. Thanks Elizabeth for the key; has sent it back to Lane [at Welcombe] who says it belongs to the piano. There was a 'fearful thunderstorm' on Tuesday, with one and a half inches of rain in an hour and a half, 'like a waterspout'; it came in the back door of Charlie's house and flooded the ground floor. George and Janet were arriving that evening, so they fetched them to Wallington, where they stayed till yesterday; she 'enjoyed the baby very much'. She and Sir George are pleased with the 'large new lawn in place of the garden', which is 'capital for games'; is looking forward to Elizabeth playing croquet there; she and Sir George are trying bowls.

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