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- [1889?] (Vervaardig)
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On headed notepaper for 8 Grosvenor Crescent, but sent from Harrow. - Only has time for a few words. Expects Bojon [E. E. Bowen?] has written; thinks that if he is 'as enraged & apparently believes that Bob has told a lie' as much as it seemed to Bob, it might be a good thing for his father came to the school to 'hear the dispute out'. Is 'absolutely certain that Bob was perfectly in the right', and it will be a 'great misfortune for him if it is not entirely cleared up, for how can he be on good terms with his master, if his master cannot believe him'.
Thinks when Bojon has 'got cooler' he will believe Bob; his father will 'know best what to do'.
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The incident is probably that discussed in TRER/45/189 (a letter from Bob to his mother) and 45/224 (from E. E. Bowen. to Sir George Otto Trevelyan).
Pencil note saying that this letter was written from Harrow.
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Onderwerp trefwoord
Geografische trefwoorden
Naam ontsluitingsterm
- Trevelyan, Sir Charles Philips (1870-1958), 3rd Baronet, politician (Onderwerp)
- Trevelyan, Sir George Otto (1838–1928), 2nd Baronet, politician and author (Onderwerp)
- Bowen, Edward Ernest (1836-1901), schoolmaster (Onderwerp)
- Harrow School (Onderwerp)