Item 39 - Letter from Clara Arnold to Caroline Trevelyan

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Letter from Clara Arnold to Caroline Trevelyan


  • 29 Apr [1882?] (Produção)

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Wixenford, Eversley, Winchfield:- Is very glad that Mrs Trevelyan 'approves of the chemical food for Bobbie'. As his cough is 'very nearly well now' she hopes he will soon 'get strong', though he did give them 'rather a fright by fainting away quite at prayers' [cf 45/38]; he 'very soon recovered' and has seemed quite all right this afternoon and evening, so she therefore hopes it was mainly due to the 'close thundery feeling weather' which has also troubled several of the other boys today. He was quiet all morning, but 'seemed quite well' by the time they returned from church; this afternoon he went on a flower collecting walk with Mr and Mrs Arnold and some other boys and 'seemed as bright and well as any of them'. Trusts there is nothing to worry about, but thought Mrs Trevelyan would like to know that he had fainted; they will 'watch him carefully', and she will write again soon.

Had a letter from Mary Bright recently; her 'account of poor Hughie was a very sad one'; can 'hardly think how he can bear the long journey back to England'. But she says Mrs Arnold's brother, who is attending Hughie, says he recommends that they should; thinks they plan to leave Cannes on the 3rd [June]' and will 'be very anxious to hear of their safe arrival'. Mr Arnold sends his best regards.

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