Item 283 - Letter from Desmond MacCarthy to Elizabeth Trevelyan

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Letter from Desmond MacCarthy to Elizabeth Trevelyan


  • 4 May 1947 (Produção)

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Garrick's Villa. - Enjoyed his luncheon with Bob very much; he seemed well, especially given his long journey; was sorry not to have a good report of Bessie and the sad news of Miss Simpkins. He and Bob were by far 'the best dressed men in the Athenaeum'. Would like to visit the Shiffolds before 'the magic wood' has stopped flowering. Is lending two books which may suit evening reading: some short stories by Trollope and Lermontov's "A Hero of Our Time". She should tell Bob a new variation of chess, played on a board with an extra row down each side, has been invented. Molly is fairly well, 'both anxious and pleased' about Dermod's engagement. They are going to Ocford on 16th May, and on the 20th he turns seventy: says he '[doesn't] feel more than seventy-five'. Marie Moore has written him a letter; he feels she must be very lonely. She says she misses 'delightful conversations' at the Shiffolds, and would like Tom's friends to send her their memories of him. Will try, and hopes Bob will too.

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