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Letter from Desmond MacCarthy to R. C. Trevelyan
- [1902-1903?] (Production)
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1 item.
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Trinity College, Cambridge. - Is leaving Cambridge today so is glad Trevelyan is not coming. Cannot come to stay but thinks he can visit for the day. The world has been very kind to him recently so he will be good company. Hears Trevelyan's tragedy, which he expects was the one he was working on at Blackgang Chine ["Cecilia Gonzaga"?] is finished. Has spent the whole week in Cambridge, talking, and is looking forward to an evening alone; feels his desired ratio of company to solitude is that of 'whisky to water'. Is waiting for Sanger. Moore is very well and 'has defined metaphysics as the science of what doesn't exist'. Went to a ball last night, with plenty of young ladies and ice creams; got 'practically engaged'.