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- 28 Oct 1905 (Vervaardig)
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Harnham, Monument Green, Weybridge (though Forster notes at the end of the letter that he is in the North). - Thanks Trevelyan for his comments on his novel ["Where Angels Fear To Tread"], with which he tends to agree though is generally less severe. Explains at length his intentions regarding Philip. Would very much like to discuss the book in person with Trevelyan, as he finds it difficult to write. He thinks he wants 'the sentimental, but the sentimental reached by no easy beaten track'. Is self-deprecating about his 'small & cloudy brain'. Explains why he does not quite agree with Trevelyan about the scene between Philip and Gino, and its 'sacramental' violence. Would like Trevelyan to point out where he is 'unduly facetious', and to talk about style; he is the only person to criticise him in detail.
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Appears in Forster, E., Lago, M., & Furbank, P. (1985). Selected letters of E.M. Forster. Vol. 1, 1879-1920 / edited by Mary Lago and P.N. Furbank. London: Arena.