Stuk 113 - Letter from E. P. Arnold to Caroline Trevelyan


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Letter from E. P. Arnold to Caroline Trevelyan


  • [n.d.] (Vervaardig)



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(Marked 'Private' at top of letter; also another note which has been crossed through). Wixenford, Eversley, Winchfield:- Says that he thinks Gerard Sellar and Tom Booth will be 'nice companions for Bobbie'; on receipt of her letter, has arranged that they should share a three-bedded room. Is 'very much indeed concerned to hear of some serious mis-conduct in two boys' whom he 'thought incapable of anything worse than disorderly conduct' and grateful to her for bringing it to his notice. Takes 'great pains to arrange the bed-rooms' as it is the 'best way to secure the boys' happiness & well-being', and knew of 'nothing amiss in Bobbie's old room', not having heard of any 'breach of order or irregularity'. Has hesitated to write asking her to write again, but is sure he will understand his concerns for the other boys and anxiety to hear if there is 'anything wrong that [he is] unaware of and can set right'; will regard whatever she tells him as private and, even if he has to inform the boys concerned of some part of it, will not reveal how he got the information.

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