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- 4 Aug 1884 (Produção)
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1 doc
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Wixenford, Eversley, Winchfield:- The result of Bobbie's work this term is 'on the whole decidedly satisfactory', as Trevelyan will see from the enclosed report and list of examinations passed this term. Bobbie has 'pretty nearly kept pace with the scheme' which Arnold sent a few weeks ago detailing 'what we hoped he w[oul]d accomplish term by term'. He is 'anxious to do some work in the holidays', so Arnold has put down what he thinks will 'help him most', in case Trevelyan agrees Bobbie should do some work and can find time to 'give him a little help'.
Arnold has lent Bobbie a copy of the first book of [Xenophon's] Anabasis, which he should 'now find well within his power', and recommends letting him 'translate about 12 lines daily on paper, as far as possible against time'. He 'still requires drill in the verbs in μι', but will 'get that next term at school if it cannot be managed in the holidays. Arnold has also lent Bobbie 'a little book of Latin Exercises' from which he could do 'about 8 sentences' a day; Bobbie's form-master Mr Evans has offered to check these exercises if they are sent by post, and would also correct the Xenophon if required. Evans will be with Mr Sellar at Ardtornish House, Oban, 'helping Gerard with his work previous to going to Eton next half'. Arnold send [his and his wife's] 'united kind regards', and wishes the Trevelyans 'a most happy holiday'.
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Pontos de acesso - Assuntos
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Pontos de acesso - Nomes
- Arnold, Ernest Penrose (1847-1917) schoolmaster (Assunto)
- Trevelyan, Sir George Otto (1838–1928), 2nd Baronet, politician and author (Assunto)
- Xenophon (c 430 – 354 BCE) Greek historian and philosopher (Assunto)
- Sellar, Alexander Craig (1835-1890) lawyer and politician (Assunto)
- Sellar, Gerard Henry Craig (1871-1929) civil servant and landowner (Assunto)
- Arnold, Clara Eliza (1837-1913) wife of Ernest Penrose Arnold (Assunto)