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- 25 Sept [1898] (Vervaardig)
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30 Bruton Street, W. - When "Mallow and Asphodel" came out he heard Bob was walking in Scotland; [Robin] Mayor told him yesterday he was now at Haslemere. Feels he and Bob 'had such thorough thrashings-out beforehand' that there's little to say now. Likes the look of the book, though is not sure about the colour; likes '"Playmates" more and more'; wishes Bob had included the final two parts of "Epimetheus" and 'finished the story', and 'can't help being sorry [Bob] left out the only poem' Eddie thought 'perfect'. Will be interested to hear about Bob's walk with [Bernard] Berenson. Has only had a week's holiday himself, in which he went to the Lakes and saw Seatoller, though he stayed at Rosthwaite. Hopes to sea Bob soon, and perhaps go to him for a Sunday visit at some point.