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Código de referência
- 1 Mar 1910 (Produção)
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1 item: letter on headed hotel notepaper, including photograph of the hotel and seafront.
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Âmbito e conteúdo
G[ran]d Hotel Trinacria, Palermo. - Was fortunate that he received a telegram saying the baby [Julian] had recovered before any letter on the subject; is very sorry that Bessie and Bob had such anxiety, and hopes that all is well now. Arrived here last night, and likes it as much as he hates Naples. is reading [George Meredith's] "Rhoda Fleming" again, and now agrees with Bob about its 'inferiority', and that it is 'melodramatic' and beneath the writer; feels that the 'alleged "illegitimate-son-of-Ld-Lytton element"' which gives 'a necessary spice' to most of Meredith's works here completely takes over. It is 'no use writing or even talking' about politics; hopes 'God will inspire our leaders to retrieve the situation that some insane Devil has induced them to throw away'. Necessary to be loyal, so 'the less said the better'. Can 'imagine Bertie [Russell] talking on the subject of Sir E[dward] Grey!!'. Met a 'very nice Oxford, Balliol Don' at Naples, not A.L. [Arthur Lionel] but J.A. [John Alexander] Smith; George thought him a good philosopher and a 'very good man'. He admired Bertie [Russell], and discussed [Henry] Sidgwick and McTaggart 'excellently and critically. George expects 'there are good things about Oxford': there are 'a few great philosophers' at Cambridge, while at Oxford 'the young men are taught a little philosophy', this is 'perhaps not a bad division of labour'.
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Existência e localização de cópias
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Identificador(es) alternativo(s)
Pontos de acesso
Pontos de acesso - Assuntos
Pontos de acesso - Locais
Pontos de acesso - Nomes
- Trevelyan, George Macaulay (1876-1962), historian, public educator, and conservationist (Assunto)
- Trevelyan, Julian Otto (1910-1988), painter and printmaker (Assunto)
- Trevelyan, Elizabeth (1875-1957), musician (Assunto)
- Meredith, George (1828-1909), novelist and poet (Assunto)
- Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer- (1803-1873), 1st Baron Lytton, writer and politician (Assunto)
- Russell, Bertrand Arthur William (1872-1970), 3rd Earl Russell, philosopher, journalist, and political campaigner (Assunto)
- Grey, Edward (1862-1933), 1st Viscount Grey of Falloden, politician, countryman, and author (Assunto)
- Smith, John Alexander (1863-1939) philosopher (Assunto)
- Smith, Arthur Lionel (1850-1924) historian, master of Balliol (Assunto)
- Sidgwick, Henry (1838-1900), philosopher (Assunto)
- McTaggart, John McTaggart Ellis (1866-1925), philosopher (Assunto)