Pièce 170 - Letter from Janet Trevelyan to Elizabeth Trevelyan

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Letter from Janet Trevelyan to Elizabeth Trevelyan


  • 23 Jan 1908 (Production)

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2, Cheyne Gardens, S.W. - Left Rome a fortnight ago and has been settled at home for ten days, so is afraid she cannot help Bessie's 'singing friend' [Jeanne Salomonson Asser?]. Does not think she knows any musical people in Rome, and would not have thought it a very promising place to go, but expects the friend has 'good introductions'. Found it 'simply splendid' to return to her babies; Theo's talking has come on a great deal. Would love to see Paul again; thinks he looked 'too duckish' in the picture Bessie send to Caroline at Christmas; jealous that his hair seems to be curlier than Theo's. Mary is becoming 'more & more of a personage', and turns three next month; Janet exclaims she will 'soon have to be thinking about religious instruction!' Asks whether Bessie and Bob are both coming up for Donald Tovey's first concert on 12 February; would be good if they dined at Cheyne Gardens first; sure George will want to go - or she will make him want to. He returns next Friday, having had to stay on to work. Sends love to Bob and 'a kiss to the Dutchman' [Paul].

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