Stuk 196 - Letter from Janet Trevelyan to Elizabeth Trevelyan


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Letter from Janet Trevelyan to Elizabeth Trevelyan


  • 2 Aug 1918 (Vervaardig)



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Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - Has not heard from or seen Bessie for a long time, but is hearing about her at Wallington; very glad that things are going well about Bob; asks if they know yet where he will be sent [for war work], 'perhaps to build up Chateau Thierry!'. The Red Cross have called George back to Britain to discuss the future of his [ambulance] unit; Janet hopes he will be able to spend some time with them here and at Robin Ghyll; nearly seven months since she last saw him. George is 'getting rather bored with... the long-drawn-out times of inaction between the battles'; she is almost sure he will be doing something else this winter. Bessie is a 'heroine' to decide on 'such a terrific separation' from Julian; supposes she is convinced it is what he wants [to go away to school] but she will be very lonely without both him and Bob; asks what she will do herself. Wishes she would come and join Janet's 'cheerful joint household at Berkhamsted'; 'Mrs Robertson (of Chelsea) is quite half seas over in pacifism' so Bessie would not be alone; but it would be difficult unless she could bring a maid, as her own 'long-treasured Amy' is going off to 'make aeroplanes or something equally horrid,' and she has also lost her housemaid. These 'cataclysms' are faced now 'with the calmness of despair' but this one 'really is rather dreffy'. The children have had a happy term at Berkhamsted and 'love the two big schools there': Humphry came top of his form and is to be moved up, and this 'large & democratic sort of school' is preferred by Mary to what she calls "that snobby little place" in London; Janet therefore wants to keep them there for now and hopes her current tenants will keep Cheyne Gardens at least until Christmas. Caroline is quite well, though suffering from eczema; Sir George is also well, and they always speak of Bessie most affectionately, with 'sorrowful sympathy for [her] stricken country'.

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