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- 15 Jan 1949 (Produção)
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1 item; typed letter with autograph signature and annotations.
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Âmbito e conteúdo
The Master's Lodge, Trinity College, Cambridge. - Is out of the nursing home and 'feeling much more jolly in her own house', getting up every day and walking 'through these enormous rooms'; thinks it will not be long until she is 'completely emancipated'. Felt 'so cross' during her stay in the home as she did not think she needed it, and she got an infection there which meant staying ten days longer. She and George go to Italy in mid-March to stay with Lina Waterfield. Is hoping to take 'a stalwart young don of Girton College' with them to help George on the journey, who will go her own way in Florence. Hopes to stay almost three weeks with Lina, and 'if I don't get well then I don't deserve to'.