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- 1 Jun 1917 (Vervaardig)
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260 Mary Street, Balsall Heath, Birmingham. - Asks what the arrangement [with the publishers Constable] about reprinting work from the "Annual [of New Poetry]": is planning a selection from his earlier books, to be published in early autumn, and would like to include "June Dance". Would also include the two short poems he published in the "Annual" in a new book at Christmas if allowed. Thinks Trevelyan may have said something about the 'twelve month arrangement' not applying this time because of the day, and remembers that Wilfrid [Gibson] published his contribution in 'separate book for almost simultaneously'. Asks in a postscript whether Trevelyan knows when Wilfrid is due back [from the US?], and whether Geraldine is still staying with the Trevelyans; sends 'salutations' to her if so.