Pièce 3 - Letter from Lord Haldane to Lucy Clifford

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Letter from Lord Haldane to Lucy Clifford


  • 22 June 1921 (Production)

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28 Queen Anne’s Gate, Westminster.—Has spoken with Einstein about her husband's anticipations of some of his ideas, but Einstein does not read English easily and it is of little use to send him English books.



28 Queen Anne’s Gate, Westminster
22 June 21

Dear Mrs Clifford,

I had talk with Einstein about your husbands† genius & his anticipations of some of the ideas involved in Relativity. At these Prof. Eddington had hinted in his book, {1} which Einstein has read. But Prof. Einstein does not read English readily, & it is of little use to send him English books.

I will take my chance of finding you in at 5 on Sunday afternoon at Chilworth St.

Yours truly {2}


{1} Space, Time, and Gravitation (1920).

{2} These two words are indistinct.

† Sic.

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