Pièce 144 - Letter from Maria Germanova to R. C. Trevelyan

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Letter from Maria Germanova to R. C. Trevelyan


  • 28 Feb 1938 (Production)

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5 rue Denfert Rochereau, Boulougne S[ur]/S[eine]. - Very good of Bob to talk about her memoirs to Mr Rudker [sic: John Rodker]. Hopes to send the manuscript in a few days; she and her husband are currently re-copying it to make it 'decent and readable'. Is feeling 'very shy', as this is a new area of work for her; understands it may not suit English traste, being 'too Russian - personal, intimate and "mystical". It will be a disappointment, not a discouragement, if Mr Rodker does not publish it in English; in that case would like to know whether Rodker's opinion is also unfavourable towards the book itself; is 'very brave' and likes to struggle. Has seen Miss Chetwynd, who looks 'charming' but it is clear she is 'suffering'; liked her very much, and it turned out she had seen Maria act in London so they were 'not quite strangers'; an American girl had also seen Maria act, in New York. Asks him to thank Bessie for inviting her to see Mrs Moore; she enjoyed the evening very much. Mrs Moore is 'so artistic and human' and plays the piano, Maria's favourite instrument, beautifully. Will not judge Mr Ryker's [?] playing, but he was 'very nice and friendly'. Asks to be remembered to Ursula, and hopes she is well now.

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