Pièce 13 - Letter from Pau Casals to Elizabeth Trevelyan

Zone d'identification




Letter from Pau Casals to Elizabeth Trevelyan


  • 15 Feb 1955 (Production)

Niveau de description


Étendue matérielle et support

1 item: letter, with envelope

Zone du contexte

Histoire archivistique

Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert

Zone du contenu et de la structure

Portée et contenu

Prades. - Thanks her for her letter of condolence [on the death of Francesca Capdevila]: he has lost a most noble and faithful companion. The book of conversations [with Josep Corredor, see 2/10] is a great success in the German and French editions; the English translation, by André Mangeot, is ready and will be brought out soon by Hutchinson and Co. Thanks her for her interest, and hopes the book will deserve it.

Appraisal, destruction and scheduling


System of arrangement

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Language of material

  • français

Script of material

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    Mots-clés - Sujets

    Mots-clés - Lieux

    Mots-clés - Genre

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    Niveau de détail

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