Pièce 8 - Letter from Pau Casals to Elizabeth Trevelyan

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Letter from Pau Casals to Elizabeth Trevelyan


  • 16 Jan 1952 (Production)

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Prades. - Thanks her for the letter and the photographs of herself and her husband. Has not been able to attend to correspondence for a few weeks because of his 75th birthday. Her nephews gave him the most special of his presents; a photocopy of the autograph version of their father's [Julius Rontgen's] cello concerto. They are a fine family, and their parents' spirit lives on in them. Hopes she'll have chance to be with them: they are very fond of their aunt. Has started work for the 1953 [Prades] festival; as ever, he worries whether he will have the strength to carry out this great task, but trusts in God.

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  • français

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