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Letter from R. C. Trevelyan to Caroline Trevelyan
- Summer [1883-1884] (Produção)
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1 doc
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Âmbito e conteúdo
Wixenford, Eversley, Winchfield:- Thanks his mother for her letter. They are going to play another school, Hartley Row, at cricket on 20 June. Sends love to all. Would like her and Aunt Annie to visit 'very much'; if they do, asks her to bring his bat, some envelopes, notepaper and stamps. Is 'most decidedly going on butterflying'. Is 'in the big game' as he was last year and 'getting on well in cricket'. If she visits, asks if she can do so on a half-holiday, 'for it is much jollier then'. Is 'glad Grandpapa [Trevelyan?] is better.