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- [Jun? 1888] (Produção)
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1 doc
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On headed notepaper for Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland:- Is 'still getting on very well in every way'. They [he and Mr Belfield?] are going to tea with Mr Gow this evening, and dinner with Mr Sidley next Wednesday. Has 'arranged with Howey [gamekeeper?] about his dog, which he was trying to sell', and which Robert thinks 'will just suit [them]'. Spider was unwell a few days ago, but is all right now, though 'he is very dirty, and is thought a great nuisance'. Robert caught a fish a few days ago, but only one.
They went to Fallowlees lake last Friday; most of the gulls were there, but not as many as last time. Mr B[elfield]'s foot is all right now. They finished the Greek play yesterday, and are beginning Antigone. Liked the last part better than the first. Hopes his father is well. Is glad Georgie 'likes Mr [E. P.?] Arnold so well, and that he wishes to stay for the holidays'; is 'sure that for many reasons it would be best'. Wrote to Charlie last week, who 'seems to be getting on very well'. Booa [Mary Prestwich] is quite well.
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Identificador(es) alternativo(s)
Pontos de acesso
Pontos de acesso - Assuntos
Pontos de acesso - Locais
Pontos de acesso - Nomes
- Trevelyan, Caroline (c. 1847-1928), wife of Sir George Otto Trevelyan, 2nd Baronet (Assunto)
- Belfield, Frederick (1863-1840) civil servant (Assunto)
- Gow, Thomas (c 1819-1912) land agent (Assunto)
- Sidley, John James (1855-1890) clergyman (Assunto)
- Howey, Joseph (b c 1862) gamekeeper (Assunto)
- Sophocles (c 496-c 406 BC) dramatist (Assunto)
- Trevelyan, Sir George Otto (1838–1928), 2nd Baronet, politician and author (Assunto)
- Trevelyan, George Macaulay (1876-1962), historian, public educator, and conservationist (Assunto)
- Trevelyan, Sir Charles Philips (1870-1958), 3rd Baronet, politician (Assunto)
- Prestwich, Mary Barrow (c 1843-1924) housekeeper to Sir George and Lady Trevelyan, known as Booa (Assunto)
- Arnold, Ernest Penrose (1847-1917) schoolmaster (Assunto)