Área de identidad
Código de referencia
- 22 Jan 1892 (Creación)
Nivel de descripción
Volumen y soporte
1 item
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Área de contenido y estructura
Alcance y contenido
Trin[ity College] Cam[bridge]:- Is 'sorry to hear about Georgie's misfortune' and supposes 'gas did not agree with him'; will write to him soon. Is sending some 'old or temporarily valueless clo[th?]es' to London, to be kept at G[rosvenor] Crescent; some are Charlie's. Is 'clearing all rubbish' from his room. Has bought a new account book, and is recording accounts 'on a royal seale. {Receipts (Class I), Expenditure (Class I, Cheques), Receipts (Class II), Expenditure (class II, cash)}.
Is glad that there has been a complete thaw in Cambridge; the weather is now very good. Has 'read A's speech' and thinks it 'powerful'. Theodore L[lewelyn] D[avies] is 'looking rather ill, and has very sunken cheeks'; does not know what he has been doing. Wonders 'whether Charlie's season has begun'. Has just got a new book of selected 'speeches from the revolutionary orators' with an 'interesting introduction from Morse Stephens; much worth reading, particularly the Mirabeau. Is 'greatly annoyed by mice, and perhaps rats', and is 'thinking of making a complaint to the authorities'. Hopes his father is well. Does not think he can come on Monday: expects it will be Tuesday.
Valorización, destrucción y programación
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Condiciones de acceso
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Escritura del material
Notas sobre las lenguas y escrituras
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Instrumentos de descripción
Área de materiales relacionados
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Identificador/es alternativo(os)
Puntos de acceso
Puntos de acceso por materia
Puntos de acceso por lugar
Puntos de acceso por autoridad
- Trevelyan, Caroline (c. 1847-1928), wife of Sir George Otto Trevelyan, 2nd Baronet (Materia)
- Trevelyan, George Macaulay (1876-1962), historian, public educator, and conservationist (Materia)
- Trevelyan, Sir Charles Philips (1870-1958), 3rd Baronet, politician (Materia)
- Davies, Theodore Llewelyn (1870-1905) Treasury official (Materia)
- Stephens, Henry (1857-1919) historian (Materia)
- Riqueti, Honoré Gabriel (1749-1791) Comte de Mirabeau (Materia)
- Trevelyan, Sir George Otto (1838–1928), 2nd Baronet, politician and author (Materia)