Stuk 108 - Letter from R. C. Trevelyan to Caroline Trevelyan


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Letter from R. C. Trevelyan to Caroline Trevelyan


  • [1886?] (Vervaardig)



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The end of term is close: 'in fact there are less than 1,000,000 seconds' until it comes. The exam [for Harrow?] will be 'very exciting'. Though he has not yet decided on a 'present for Mr A[rnold]', Robert thinks he 'would like best something for his writing table, like a good paper-weight'; thinks it would be almost as good to get it at 'the beginning of the hols', though if his mother has already found something she could send it to Robert now.

Has written to C[harlie] today. G[eorgie] is 'quite well now, and is doing very well in his class'; Robert hopes he will be placed first or second. They did not go in for the history exam with the rest, as they were 'not good enough', but took it a month afterwards. Mr Arnold has got Mr [E.E.?] Bowen to 'look them over', and if they are good enough Mr Arnold will 'give a prize like Mr Bowen's'; if not, just an 'ordinary prize'.

They were beaten three-nil in the Farnborough match. Is reading 'Leslie Stephen's life of [Henry] Fawcett', and thinks it 'very interesting'. Is glad 'Spi[der?' is all right'; it is 'a great pity about Mr Gladstone'.

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