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Letter from R. C. Trevelyan to Edward Marsh
- [1893?] (Produção)
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1 item
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Trinity [College, Cambridge]. - Thanks Marsh for the ticket; would be delighted to come to dinner on Monday. Has sent [Robert Erskine?] Childers his gloves; on going to Marsh's room to get them, he found 'the Bedder and the Help feasting on bread and marmalade and tea. They were very apologetic', though he does not see why. Asks if Marsh can come to see 'Mrs Tancray' [Arthur Wing Pinero's "The Second Mrs Tanqueray", first performed on 27 May 1893] on Wednesday or Saturday. Notes in a postscript that 'it is a case of "Vae, puto, deus fio" [Vespasian's last words, according to Suetonius]"