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- 25 May 1924 (Vervaardig)
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Originally enclosing a cutting from the "Manchester Guardian" about the new Stockholm town hall. Just returned from Welcombe; Grandpapa and Grandmama seemed quite well. Wonders how the oak-tree caterpillars will cope with the current heavy rain. Is going North for the Lake Hunt next week; [Julian's cousin] George is coming for the first time; hopes to see the Bottomleys [Gordon and Emily] on the way, unless they have gone to the Hebrides as they thought of doing. Went to see "Romeo and Juliet" last week when he was in London; there was a very good Juliet [Gwen Ffrangcon-Davies]; the Romeo [John Gielgud] was 'at any rate a young man, which he is not always' and was 'moderately good', except that he 'cried and sobbed much too much' when banished; the others were all worse than another, and he left as soon as Juliet had taken her sleeping draught.
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Onderwerp trefwoord
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- Trevelyan, Julian Otto (1910-1988), painter and printmaker (Onderwerp)
- Trevelyan, Sir George Otto (1838-1928), 2nd Baronet, statesman and historian (Onderwerp)
- Trevelyan, Caroline (c. 1847-1928), wife of Sir George Otto Trevelyan, 2nd Baronet (Onderwerp)
- Trevelyan, Sir George Lowthian (1906-1996), 4th Baronet, educationist (Onderwerp)
- Davies, Dame Gwen Lucy Ffrangcon- (1891-1992), actress (Onderwerp)
- Gielgud, Sir Arthur John (1904–2000), Knight, actor and theatre director (Onderwerp)