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- 4 July 1930 (Produção)
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1 item
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Âmbito e conteúdo
Hotel de Londres, Paris. - Has been in Paris with the Allens for three days, and is going on with them to Bolzano; will be at the Berenson house around 15 July for about a fortnight; may then go to see [Umberto] Morra at Cortona, or to Aulla [to see the Waterfields]. Saw [Jean] Marchand yesterday, who was glad to have seen Julian, and that he is coming to Marchand's academy in the winter; liked some of Marchand's latest work. If Julian returns to Cambridge he could still spend some time with Marchand this winter; would of course be very pleased if he chose to return, but he must use his own judgement. Has seen a lot of [Hasan] Suhrawardy and [Maria] Germanova, who were sorry to have missed Julian; Suhrawardy may be away on Julian's return, but Germanova should be in Paris. Allen is 'fairly well, but easily tired'. Saw Terence Gray briefly in the street, who looked well, and was 'very friendly and cheerful, and almost without his stammer'. Suhrawardy sends love; the Allens are upstairs packing and resting.
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Identificador(es) alternativo(s)
Pontos de acesso
Pontos de acesso - Assuntos
Pontos de acesso - Locais
Pontos de acesso - Nomes
- Trevelyan, Julian Otto (1910-1988), painter and printmaker (Assunto)
- Allen, Reginald Clifford (1889-1939), 1st Baron Allen of Hurtwood, politician and peace campaigner (Assunto)
- Allen, Marjory (1897-1976), landscape architect and promoter of child welfare, wife of the 1st Baron Allen of Hurtwood (Assunto)
- Berenson, Bernard (1865-1959), American art historian (Assunto)
- Lavriano, Umberto Morra di (1897-1981), journalist, anti-fascist, and author (Assunto)
- Waterfield, Aubrey William (1874-1944) painter (Assunto)
- Waterfield, Caroline Lucie (1874-1964) author and journalist, known as Lina (Assunto)
- Marchand, Jean Hippolyte (1883-1940) painter, printmaker and illustrator (Assunto)
- Suhrawardy, Hasan Shahid (1890-1965) poet, art critic and diplomat (Assunto)
- Germanova, Maria (1884-1940) actor and theatre director (Assunto)
- Gray, Terence James Stannus (1895-1986) theatrical producer, writer, and racehorse owner (Assunto)