Item 184 - Letter from R. C. Trevelyan to Sir George Otto Trevelyan

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Letter from R. C. Trevelyan to Sir George Otto Trevelyan


  • [Apr/May 1889?] (Produção)

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1 doc

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Âmbito e conteúdo

[On headed notepaper for 8, Grosvenor Crescent]:- Thanks his father for his letter, and the 'imitation of [Sir George's] Horace at Athens' which is 'amusing in its way'. Asks if [the writer's] university is 'one of those who have but ought not to have votes', and thinks he 'must be a liberal from the way he speaks of [Richard?] Pigott'.

Princess Louise is visiting this afternoon, and 'there is therefore much unnecessary fuss': changing 'the time of bill', for which boys are to wear 'tail coats instead of blue coats', and 'even... no cricket'. Says the school is 'evidently becoming like Eton'.

Has a lot of work in the scholarship class, but 'not too much'. Finished the hexameters and sent them last Saturday, though he 'was not satisfied with them' and does not think he will get the scholarship. Is currently studying 'four different Greek plays at once', for various masters; thinks 'there ought to be some result'. Almost wishes he were at Eastbourne, as he was this time last year.

Asks if his father is going to have an 'evening party for liberals soon'. Mr Belfield says he has obtained 'an appointment at the Strait settlements, and is going out directly'; Robert hopes he will like it 'and not find it too hot' - he 'always said he wished to go to the colonies'. Belfield has asked about some books he thinks he left at Wallington, and Robert is writing to his mother to ask Bathgate about them. Asks his father to tell her that he got her parcel.

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      With pencil note dating the letter to 1889.

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