Pièce 131 - Letter from Rosalind Simpkins to R. C. Trevelyan

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Letter from Rosalind Simpkins to R. C. Trevelyan


  • 2 Jan [1949] (Production)

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Étendue matérielle et support

1 letter.

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24 Cobbett Rd, Southampton. - Was 'delighted' to get Trevelyan's 'little collection of poems' [this year's "From the Shiffolds"] again, with his New Year's greetings. Had been reading some of the previous collections recently, and wondering whether there would be another this year. Was pleased this one began with her 'favourite poem, "To Lowes Dickinson"', which 'always transports [her] into the Azalea Wood', and gives her 'some understanding' of Trevelyan's friend, who she regrets she never knew. Was glad to see a new poem from this year, though it is 'a little sad'. Fears he will 'miss Dr [Gordon] Bottomley very much'; last year must have 'tried' him in 'many ways', and she hopes 1949 will bring 'much happiness, and less wear and tear and worry' to him and Mrs Trevelyan. Asks him to thank Mrs Trevelyan for her 'kind postcard' and tell her she was 'much amused' to be remembered by Mr [Tom?] Harrison. The Eggletons are living in Norfolk now.

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