Item 14 - Letter from Seth William Stevenson to Dawson Turner

Zona de identificação

Código de referência

Add. MS a/659/14


Letter from Seth William Stevenson to Dawson Turner


  • 11 Mar. 1820 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

1 single sheet mounted on a larger sheet (i.e. inserted into a space cut out for it), with a smaller piece of paper, containing the superscription, pasted to the back.

Zona do contexto

História do arquivo

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Norwich.—Asks him to help the bearer, their confidential servant, obtain the substance of the speeches of the newly-elected MPs for Yarmouth.

(Dated 11 Mar. Turner added the year.)



Norwich—March. 11.

Dear Sir,

I rely on your kindness to pardon the request with which I take the liberty on the present occasion to trouble You. The bearer of this (our Confidential Servant—Irwin) proceeds to Yarmouth in the expectation of arriving in time to report the Speeches on the return of Messrs. Anson & Rumbold {1}—should he, however, not be so fortunate—Both myself & relations will esteem themselves particularly obliged by the favor of your attention & interest to put him in the way of obtaining {2} for him the substance of [what] {3} the re-elected Members may have addressed to their Constituents.

I have the honor to subscribe myself, with the greatest respect,

Dear Sir,
Your most Obed[ien]t humble Serv[an]t
Seth Wm Stevenson

(in haste)

[Superscription:] Dawson Turner, Esq: | Yarmouth


Mounted on a larger sheet (i.e. inserted into a space cut out for it), with a smaller piece of paper containing the direction pasted to the back. Turner added the year ‘1820’ below the date. In the original some words are abbreviated by superior letters. The missing letters have been supplied in square brackets.

{1} George Anson and C. E. Rumbold, both Whigs, were re-elected as MPs for Great Yarmouth at this year’s general election.

{2} ‘to … obtaining’ altered from ‘to obtain’. The two succeeding words ought probably to have been deleted.

{3} Omitted by mistake.

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      Identificador da descrição

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      Nível de detalhe

      Datas de criação, revisão, eliminação

      This description was created by A. C. Green in 2022.

      Línguas e escritas



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