Item 290 - Letter from Sir George Trevelyan to R. C. Trevelyan

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Letter from Sir George Trevelyan to R. C. Trevelyan


  • 13 June 1918 (Produção)

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8, Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. [old notepaper, since the house was sold in 1916]. - Thought about Robert often last night; he is right to prepare his speech [for the Apostles' dinner?] beforehand as it needs to be 'a literary composition, setting the note to the rest'. Forty two years since he himself presided, the year that his "Life" of Macaulay and [Henry] Sidgwick's "Methods of Ethics" came out; Welldon, who was vice-chairman then, has become Dean of Durham [Cathedral], which Sir George thinks will suit him. Welldon must be pleased at the 'general regret' expressed at his leaving Manchester; the "Guardian"'s account of his 'jolly popular ways' was very funny. Glad to hear that Bessie is properly recovered, and to hear from them both about the plans for Julian [to go to school at Dunhurst, prep for Bedales]. Aunt Annie [Philips] is coming for a fortnight tomorrow, having been very ill; hopes she will take more care of herself in future. Calls themselves 'a crazy company', quoting [Oliver] Cromwell before the battle of Dunbar, but they 'are better at Wallington than anywhere else'. Note written on postscript on a separate sheet: has just finished re-reading [Plato's] Euthryphro; wonders why it is not 'more talked of'.

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